I like your web site, but you seem
heavily biased toward AMD. I'm certainly not a big supporter of Intel, but
your web site has outdated information and prices on Intel chips while
supplying the latest info on AMD chips such as the Thunderbird.
How about reviewing the P3-933 or updating your price-to-performance
ratios? I just priced a P3-1G for $3,000. A far cry from the $4,600 you
have listed. Just some suggestions...
Thank you for keeping us on our toes. It
was not intentional that some of our Intel-inside computer pricing was
less current than it should have been. The price-to-performance ratio of Intel's
1GHz Pentium-III has now been updated. We will endeavour to make sure
that it stays up-to-date.
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the use of the information or advice provided here. All responses are
based on the best available information at the time of writing. However,
users of this information who wish to apply it to their computer
situations do so at their own risk.