Xeons and other high end CPUs?
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Dear CPU Scorekeeper

As a network administrator, I would like to see the comparisons of some of the high end processors that are used in servers. I realise that many servers use multiple processors to achieve better performance, but a comparison between single processors would help determine if the price for the processor is over-inflated.

I've looked at your response as to why the Intel Xeon processors are not listed and maybe you could have a separate page for high end processors such as the Intel Xeon, Sun SPARC and Dec Alpha processors.

- - Lance, September 1999

See the questionCPU Scorekeeper Responds

In response to your request and others, we have begun to include some of Intel's Xeon line of processors in our CPU Scorecard lists. Stay tuned as we add more Xeon's, SPARC's and Alpha's as quickly as we can compile a sufficient supply of dependable benchmarks.

Ask the CPU Scorekeeper


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