What CPU features measured?
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Why Intel's iCOMP?
Dual G4 Benchmarks?
iMac DV Benchmarks?
Private Benchmark Analysis?
Xeon cache performance?
Pentium-III 800B & 900?
Dual Pentiums & Win98SE?
What CPU features measured?
Gigaflops & Alpha Processors?
Benchmark score changes?
Benchmark test conditions?
Benchmarks for fun?
Explanation of CPU scores
May I use the iCOMP figures?
Integer/floating point?
Where do they come from?


Dear CPU Scorekeeper

I would like to know what CPU features your CPU Scorekeeper measures:

Fixed point or floating point emphasis?
Internal cache or beyond internal cache emphasis?
3D video or sound emphasis or not?

This or any benchmark is useless without documentation of what it emphasises and what sort of instruction mix it uses.

- - Mark, April 2000

See the questionCPU Scorekeeper Responds

As you state, the usefulness of any CPU benchmark is highly dependent upon the emphasis of the suite of tests that are used to compile it.

The benchmarks at The CPU Scorecard are based on Intel's iCOMP Index, which is a weighted rating of indicators that test integer, floating point, internet, and application performance. Our benchmarks thus combine both integer & floating point speed, internal & external cache efficiency, and 3D instruction set performance, providing an overall guide to how fast each processor will function in everyday use.

Non-Intel manufacturers and third-party hardware reviewers use many of the same tests that compose the iCOMP index, and their results are linked to the Scorecard benchmark numbers respectively. The CPU Scorecard places all the various benchmark scores along one relative scale, for more convenient reference.

Note that iCOMP and any other benchmark techniques can only provide an approximate indication of how each CPU will perform in a particular system configuration and suite of software. They are an average of business application and gaming performance, and your mileage will vary depending on motherboard, memory, hard drive, and video specifications.

Ask the CPU Scorekeeper


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