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VIA Cyrix-III & C3 Benchmarks

The CPU Scorecard scores are based upon a combined rating of integer, floating-point, and multimedia performance.

Published CPU benchmarks, including those listed below, are converted to a common scale using comparative statistics.

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Benchmark Archives

Ace's Hardware Cyrix III, An Alternative Approach Aug 2000
AnandTech The New VIA Cyrix III: The Worlds First 0.15 Micron x86 CPU Jan 2001
tecChannel Benchmarks and details of VIA Samuel 2 (German) (Englishish) Oct 2000
Review: VIA Cyrix III / Samuel Jun 2000
Tom's Hardware Guide Meet the New Cyrix III -
Same as the Old Cyrix III?
Jun 2000
Van's Hardware Preliminary Benchmarks: VIA C3 Versus Transmeta TM5600 Sep 2001
VIA Hardware VIA Cyrix Samuel 2 Preview Jan 2001
A word of caution about CPU benchmarks...
When you get right down to it, computer processor benchmarks are an imprecise and transitory method of comparing how fast/well/suitably a given list of computer systems will perform for you.

They are prone to error, skew, and hype. They are highly dependent upon the specific test configuration from which they result. And the various speeds and capabilities of the individual computer hardware components (hard drive, bus, memory, video, et al) in a system can be at least as important to overall performance as is the speed of the CPU.

But flawed as they are, CPU benchmarks can arguably provide the most important information about how fast a computer will... well, compute!

Count on The CPU Scorecard to keep all the best benchmarks in their proper places!



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Last Updated: October 18, 2005

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