[ January ] |
What computing future
are we most likely to see by the start of the next century: 2100? |
[ February ] |
Who will win the
GigaHertz race? |
[ March ] |
Would you buy a VIA
Cyrix III instead of an Intel Celeron? |
[ April ] |
Should Dell ,
as rumoured,
start building with AMD's Spitfire? |
[ May ] |
What do you think of
AMD's name for their new budget processor: Duron? |
[ June ] |
Do you see a net
appliance in your future? |
[ July ] |
Which CPU would you
rather have in your next laptop? |
[ August ] |
Intel & Rambus: Is
the party over? |
[ September ] |
What would you do
with a discontinued Pentium-III 1.13GHz CPU? |
[ October ] |
Intel's Timna
project is dead. Does anybody care? |
[ November ] |
What do you think of
Intel's latest Blue
Man Group TV promotion for their Pentium-III? |
[ December ] |
Would you like Santa to
bring you a Pentium-4 this Christmas? |
January 2000 |
What computing future are we most
likely to see by the start of the next century: 2100? |
Android assistants and labourers built with AMtel processors
running at more than 1 Zettahertz.
Windows 2098.

'Smart' wars.

Thought-controlled shopping implants connected to Amazon.com
and your bank account.
 7% |
2000 |
Who will win the GigaHertz race? |
AMD: Athlon
INTEL: Pentium-III

DON'T CARE: I'm waiting for the next 2-GHz processor.

 1% |
2000 |
Would you buy a VIA
Cyrix III instead of an Intel Celeron? |
YES: I would like to see another budget-priced CPU competitor.
DON'T CARE: I'm waiting for the first dual
Athlon pulse-pounder.

NO: VIA should stick to chipsets, not dinosaurs.

MAYBE SO: Only if more computer makers adopt it.
 6% |
2000 |
Should Dell ,
as rumoured,
start building with AMD's Spitfire? |
YES: It's about time Dell
woke up and started using non-Intel processors.
YES, AND MORE: How about Athlons
and Cyrix-III's, too?

NO: Why gamble on an unknown processor? Dell
should stick with success and Intel.

DON'T CARE: When Dell
starts selling iMacs, then
I'll be interested.
 3% |
2000 |
What do you think of AMD's name for
their new budget processor: Duron? |
OK, BUT...: What was wrong with 'Spitfire'?
BLECHH!: Sounds more like a cheap car wax.

PERFECT: It suggests durability and quality for the everyday
computer user.

DON'T CARE: Intel's 'Celeron-II'
is a much cooler name, anyhow.
 8% |
2000 |
Do you see a net
appliance in your future? |
NEVER!: I'll only surf the internet using a computer, the way
surfing was meant to be.
NET WHAT?: Why would I want porn on my toaster? ...oh, I

YOU BET: Can't wait for my first web pad.

THE FUTURE IS HERE: I already own a WebTV.
 6% |
2000 |
Intel & Rambus: Is the party
over? |
WAY: Rambus is too expensive, no faster than SDRAM, and should
have been punted long ago.
WAYBE: Intel should keep its options open as Rambus matures by
supporting DDR as well.

NO WAY: Intel should stick with Rambus RDRAM as the best
high-bandwidth memory solution for tomorrow's computers.

DUNNO: Rambus? DDR? SDRAM? My computer
has memory?
 6% |
Selected visitor comments:
 | DDR 266 is much faster. Go with the DDR. |
 | Unless Rambus becomes a complete no hoper,
Intel should be flexible. Most users cannot afford to change to
new technology paths when their path becomes extinct. |
2000 |
What would you do with a
discontinued Pentium-III 1.13GHz CPU? |
RETURN IT: And try to get your $1000 back.
WARM IT: Makes a good hot plate for your coffee cup.

SLOW IT: Under-clock it to 850MHz on a 100MHz bus, and still
have fastest-looking CPU around.

RISK IT: Keep using it and backup your system every 10 minutes.
 6% |
Selected visitor comments:
 | Pentium's CPU design isn't as superior as
AMD's, but costs more than an AMD CPU. |
 | AMD - Athlon still #1 and it works. Intel's
Pent 1111? You can't get one
because it was called back. So NOW who's the Best....? |
 | Watch out for the New T-Bird....She's comin' |
 | I would get my dang $1000 back and buy an
AMD chip. |
 | We might make a latte stand. |
 | Intel releasing a buggy CPU? Really? :) |
 | Wow, I must say that I was shocked at
Intel's 1.13 Giger...Lets see if the P4 is more innovative...I'm
sure AMD will be ready. |
 | Another paper release of an unreliable CPU
from a company who claims so much about the CPUs they build, but
the CPUs do not deliver. More junk. |
2000 |
Intel's Timna
project is dead. Does anybody care? |
NO: Duron, Celeron
and Cyrix-III processors are enough
to keep low-priced PC's competitive.
DON'T KNOW: Timna, Schmimna-- enough with the code names

YES: We still need a low-cost system-on-a-chip solution
to bring down the price of PC's.

MAYBE SO: Intel should have kept developing it for the wireless
computer market.
 5% |
Selected visitor comments:
 | YES: We still need a low-cost
system-on-a-chip solution. |
 | If you it says Intel Inside, you paid too
much. |
 | Who cares about another defective Pentium
with the cache altered? |
 | Why would we want another Intel processor? |
2000 |
What do you think of Intel's latest Blue
Man Group TV promotion for their Pentium-III? |
GAG ME: Who are these guys,
and didn't they just do an Apple
HUH?: Shouldn't Intel be building up their upcoming Pentium
4 launch, instead?

OK: At least they are more fun to watch than dancing
bunny people.

HILARIOUS: An innovative, entertaining, breath of fresh
air in Intel advertising.
 12% |
Selected visitor comments:
 | Maybe the P-III is better
than the P4? |
 | If Intel did not waste so much money on this
kind of advertising,
maybe they could have more competitive pricing on their CPU's. |
 | They should save their time & money and
try to get Intel back on track. |
 | Now that the P4 is available, dump the PIII,
or rename it the 'new Celeron'. |
2000 |
Would you like Santa to bring you a Pentium-4
this Christmas? |
WELL, OK: I'll take anything, as long as it's free.
NO WAY: I'd rather have a V8.

ABSOLUTELY: And I would promise not not to ask for any
more presents for at least 5 years.

DON'T CARE: I'm a Luddite.
 2% |
Selected visitor comments:
 | I'd trade it for an Athlon!! |
 | Maybe it'll help me get off of welfare and
start a some type of e-business at home... |
 | The Pentium 4 really does suck. You
shouldn't have to write a program
designed for the processor. |
 | P4's just don't stack up... yet. |
courtesy SparkLit.com |